Successes / Accomplishments
Proven Business Improvements & Saving Delivery
Managing Complexity; M&A (Mergers and Acquisitions) / Multi-business Unit / Shared Services
Cultural Change
Contact Us
We have consistently delivered far more real, tangible, measurable value to companies - often saving hundreds of times more money than our fees. This is real value - when you can realize a rapid and substantial return on your investment.
It does not always start that way - getting to plan the roadmap to success. Sometimes we get into the game late, and end up doing systems, organizational, or even cultural recovery efforts, managing the difficult change process of business transformation.
We bring only very senior people to the table (no school bus). With an average of 30 years of IT experience, much of it in executive management roles, you have the opportunity to leverage our wealth of knowledge. Usually one consultant can provide more insight than a bus full of wet-behind-the-ears college kids. With over 60 clients in our portfolio - over 2 dozen of these in the Fortune 1000 - we have the depth and breadth of experience for the largest company (including Fortune’s Global #2 company). Having also delivered all these services to even an organization as small as a single, 400 student school (among other small and medium organizations), we know the process is highly scalable, and eminently pragmatic, solving the needs of the largest to the smallest organizations.
Contact us today - let’s talk about how we can help.
Kirk Rheinlander
Principal / Founder
Mr. Rheinlander is a nationally known authority on the culture of innovation. He works with leaders who want to translate executive intent into effective day-to-day action throughout the enterprise. Mr. Rheinlander’s revolutionary fusion of strategic planning, behavioral science, and business transformation has delivered more than $2B in cost savings, plus dramatic business growth, for some of the world’s largest corporations. His achievements include strategy execution for a number of Fortune 1000 companies; BP/Amoco; Cardinal Health, WellPoint Health Networks, the US Bureau of Land Management, Medtronic; ACNielsen, United Airlines-Apollo, Ball Corporation, the Federal Reserve Bank, and numerous others, including post-merger and M&A integration issues.
Mr. Rheinlander believes that playing defense is a losing strategy in today’s complex business environment. The tremendous tasks facing top management require tomorrow’s winners to seize the initiative with a compelling vision plus clearly defined strategies that align functional efforts at all levels. Determined executives, from corporate leaders to venture-funded entrepreneurs, value Mr. Rheinlander’s proven process as an essential business resource for architecting their success.
kirk at (520) 906-7533
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"There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its' success, then to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things."
- Machiavelli